
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Non Food Related Rant

A totally non food post. 

I have been cleaning out the house of our clutter and selling things on eBay. Well this one buyer decides, he will buy most of the hard drives I have up for sale. After shipping and he recieves them, he claims none are functioning, opens up a claim for refunds and well today, Paypal has decided to take his word for it and award him his refund. Leaving me to eat the $20 in shipping costs.

I have no doubt that the drives were functioning. I wrapped them extremely well, probably better than the majority of eBay sellers. I bought some nail polish off eBay a while back that came and it was some sad packaging. it was wrapped in junk grocery ads and stuffed into an old paper checks box.

Anyway, this guy is a jackass. I'm sure that he's probably destroyed my items to support his claim that the drives were broken, though unless the postal workers that were handling it decided to play soccer with it during shipping, it should have arrived with no problems, the way that I wrapped and shipped it. 

I still have a lot of clutter I'd like to get rid of but I'm debating whether or not to sell it on eBay, since it's not a seller friendly place anymore. After being burned with this jerkoff, I am hesitant to post more stuff even though I would like to earn some money for our extra clutter. 

It's amazing how people are these days. Filthy liars and cheats. How does it not occur to PayPal that, gee, this guys' claims seem a bit far fetched, considering that other people bought the same electronic item and had no problems.

Makes me more than nervous that these are the people we have to live and deal with. There is very little or no honesty and kindness left. It's become a sad, selfish world, and that makes me sad that this is the world my kids have to live in. A world where it's hard to trust anyone. 

End Rant. For Now.

So it turns out that the drives weren't broken or faulty in anyway. The guy that bought that was a complete moron and didn't know how to use them. (Like, buying socks and trying to wear them as a hat. Then blaming the sock company for it not fitting on his head.)

Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. He's not willing to work with me either, to remove his false claim of my items being broken. When I talked to Paypal about it, the guy even laughed cause this buyer was such a moron. I mean, it's like you buy a Sony TV, then when you get it, if you're a complete idiot and don't know how to turn it on, then calling Sony up for a refund cause you think it's broken. Complete moron, the buyer that I had to deal with.

He won't work with me to remove his claims cause he still believes that somehow in his crazy twisted mind, that I'm at fault for his lack of computer skills, so I made a point to stick it to him in my replies that he's basically stupid and blames others for his lack of knowledge. Maybe that'll get him to withdraw his comment to me, since it makes him look completely stupid and in the wrong. HAHAHA. Idiot. I hope he has 100 other people that pull this shit on him so he can eat all the shipping costs and time that it takes. I'm spiteful. But only when someone truly deserves it. Which in this case, he completely is at fault and deserves every little bit of shit that he gets.

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