
Friday, November 12, 2010

Missing Home & Grouchy People

It's getting chillier as the days go by!

Some serious contemplation lately, about where to live after we leave this freezing cold state. I miss Texas. Period. Born and raised there, being up here in PA, I feel like half alien.
After almost 3 years living here, I am still not used to how everything runs here, the pace is so fast and rough. Even people working the drive-thru windows are in a hurry. I guess I'm just used to everyone being friendlier overall, even if they are strangers. There's very little patience around here, and everything seems to be rushed. I wish the East Coast could learn to slow it down and take it day by day. I feel like a snail in a 500mph race. I actually enjoy browsing slowly through items at a store instead of trying to speed through the clothing rack. I have met some of the rudest people while just out for what I expected would be relaxing, but instead come home angry and frustrated because of what I encounter out in public.

People here don't care if you are a child or an adult, they treat you the same. So it angers me a lot as a momma bear when someone is just in such a rush and snaps at my 3 year old for being a 3 year old and studying a can of green beans like it's the most interesting thing in the world. Or the speed racers with the grocery carts. I once actually shouted at a elderly woman for nearly plowing over my 6 year old in the dairy aisle. She had the audacity to to try and blame my child for being where she was supposed to be rather than apologize for rounding a corner without paying attention. Called her a grouchy old bat that needs her depends changed.

I'm not usually a rude person by any means but anytime it involves my kids, or their safety, I will clearly speak my mind. I think I've cursed at people out of my windows while on the road more times in the 3 years here than I did while living and driving around the DFW / Austin Area for 6+ years. I have tons of stories to tell about the horrors of going out in this fast paced environment. I can only hope that the months go by quickly and I can go back to where I'm comfortable at. My home state of Texas. 


Lori said...

Now you know what is funny, I find PA is a lot more relaxed and laid back than good old NJ where I lived for 34 years. I have only been in PA for 3 years and would never move back to NJ because I find people are much nicer, more laid back and easier going here in PA. It is funny the different perspectives :D
I have only been through Texas, amarillo really. But in general I find anyone from Tennesse to Tx is generally very kind, not so much as you get further west, then the pace of life picks up again the closer you get to CA.

Piggy said...

It probably is more relaxed in PA than NY or NJ I bet.
I lived in Texas for 23 years so it's all I know to compare with. The worst for comparison sake is the drive-thru windows here, they always bark at me through the speaker, "Is that all?" when I'm still in the middle of ordering. I'm used to Texas drive thru people asking, "what else can i get for you?" That's why Texas is the Friendly State, haha.
I'm also not used to the aggressive driving up here, lol. (I'm terrified to drive on the major roads) In Texas there used to be moments where people are so busy waving people ahead at a 4 way stop that no one goes, lol. Here, it's like, make it or break it.