
Friday, December 10, 2010

Randomness. Why I'm scared of Real Christmas Trees. Little M.

It's beginning to feel more like Christmas! The weather is getting colder as the days roll by, and inside the house, we have our little tree set up. We have a fake tree because of my crazy fear of real trees.

It's actually really funny to hear about. The reason I won't have a real tree is because I am terrified that the one time we do get one, there will be some wild animal, a squirrel, or raccoon or something that makes its home in a tree, that it will jump out of the tree while I'm decorating it. It's a really silly fear, but nevertheless, it scares me. I think it came from back when those Chevy Chase movies were popular, there was one of them the National Lampoon movies where a squirrel jumps out of the tree. It was funny, but it scared me too, lol.

I like the fake tree we have though. Plus there is no potential for allergies due to pollen and whatnot that comes with a real tree. I have pretty much finished up all my Christmas shopping for this year, which is actually a first for me; usually I'm terrible about shopping ahead of time.

Little M is all about his little buddy Spot. As a present for him earlier this year for graduating out of diapers (YAY no more diapers, EVER! I'm freeeee!) I got him a new little Spot buddy. He now calls them Big Spotty and Little Spotty.

There he is watching them take a spin bath in the washing machine. It's times like this that I wish the top loader was a front loader. LOL. He's all about Spot. His bed blanket is a giant fuzzy Spot blanket from Grandma and Grandpa when he was born, he loves that thing so much. If we're getting ready to plop on the couch for a movie, he'll bring down his blanket and his buddies to watch the movie together. It's sort of strange seeing how he's grown up so much already.

There's a little bit of kid left, but overall he really acts a lot older than he really is. It's when he's tired and sleepy that the true age makes the appearance, otherwise he really just seems like a very short adult most of the time. Yesterday I was gathering up the trash in the house to take out to the curb for trash day and he was so adamant that he was going to swiffer the kitchen this week. Wonder where the weird cleaning love comes from? ... Grandpa loves to clean his house all the time. :-)

On a random note, Cataclysm is out! Yeah. I'm a gamer. LOL. But I haven't fired up my account yet. Part of me can't wait to explore the new areas, and part of me is feeling like, ah, it's going to be the same old like the past expansions. I figure we'll get back to playing it sooner or later, probably when the hubby's on vacation and gets cabin fever. LOL.

It'll be nice to live near the parents when we move back. It's pretty lonely up here in the far corner of the U.S. away from all the relatives. At least in Austin, we were just a day trip away and could drive up for a vacation visit or something. Kids haven't seen Grandma and Grandpa in 3+ years and I'd really like for us to get back and nearby to them so that there's plenty of time to spend together. While I like my space, being nearly 2000-something miles away is pretty lonely. I imagine there will be frequent visits from the grandparents if we're only a 30 minute drive away, and lots of family dinners to be had. Plus it opens up freedom for me, I can drop them off at the grandparents' house for a weekend and actually enjoy a night out with the hubby.

Oh YEAH. My car is paid off!! Woo-HOOOOOO! 

Lots of things to look forward to in the next year :-)


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